Click the activation link that we sent to you in the email, then fill the short form.
You set the password by yourself during registration. You can register by clicking the activation link sent to your mailbox or the “Register” button on our website.
Information about User’s Vouchers and Giftaro Points may be found on My account page.
As a rule, Vouchers are valid for one year after their issuance for the User. You can check the validity on each Voucher. Giftaro Points received for such voucher will expire on the same date.
Giftaro Points acquired on the Platform are also valid for one year.
You can pay for any product or service available on Giftaro wth Giftaro Points. Vouchers can either be replaced for Giftaro Points before transaction or added to cart during the transaction, which will lower the price that has to be settled using Giftaro Points. Remember, you cannot use money to buy goods from Giftaro. We are points only.
No, we are subscription free.
Yes, if you have a product or service that could be of interest to our members, please contact us and let’s cooperate.